Make for the Planet — Conservation X Labs

Make for the Planet is an intensive ENGINEERING COMPETITION to create solutions to global conservation challenges.

At this multi-day, fast-paced, in-person event, multidisciplinary teams create hardware and software prototypes using equipment in a pop-up makerspace on site. Mentored by leaders in the field, the teams create rapid prototypes to invent new and innovative solutions to conservation challenges, competing for cash prizes and further support.


MAke for the planet DC 2017

Make for the Planet DC 2017 gathered 16 multidisciplinary teams to celebrate Earth Day at the Smithsonian Institution's Earth Optimism Summit in Washington, D.C. Teams competed for over $5,000 in prizes, and presented to a renowned panel of international judges. Conservation X Labs brought a team of world-class engineers, designers, and conservationists as mentors and created a pop-up maker's space with equipment to create prototypes and models of hardware and/or software solutions.

The top solutions included an app designed for greater fish traceability and sustainability for urban consumers, a small animal tracking device using pheromones, an ingestible small mammal tracker, and a passive algae collection device.

The finalist pitches can be viewed here.

make for the planet borneo 2018

Make for the Planet Borneo gathered 54 innovators in 15 teams from 9 countries in Kuching, Malaysia at the 5th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC5). Teams competed for over $10,000 in prizes, and the opportunity to test and pitch new ideas in front of thought leaders and IMCC5 delegates.  Conservation X Labs brought a team of world-class engineers, designers, and conservationists as mentors, partnered with local and regional organizations, and created a pop-up makerspace on site.

The top solutions included a lineless lobster trap system in response to the ghost traps challenge; a system to speed up the diver-assisted out-planting of corals for coral reef restoration; an inexpensive autonomous drone-boat capable of mapping shallow marine regions in response to the MPA challenge; and a series of Internet of Things-enabled buoys to detect and deter illegal activity near MPAs.


recently At Make for the planet borneo…

  • 15 Teams

  • 54 Competitors

  • 9 Partners & Sponsors

  • 8 Working Prototypes

  • $10,000+ in Prizes

  • 9 Countries


Want Make For The Planet at your next event?

Make For The Planet events are high-profile, interactive rapid-prototyping competitions that are conducted at global environmental events to source solutions and raise the visibility of cutting-edge conservation technologies. These events capture the imagination of conference attendees, engage a diverse community of innovators to create solutions to conservation challenges, and connect conservationists with the engineer, maker, and hacker communities.


Want to join a future Make For The Planet event?

We’ll notify you by email when we announce the dates for the next Make For The Planet.