2017 in Review: Conservation X Labs in the News


Bold Conservation Ideas go from Concept to Reality on this new collaboration platform

Eillie Anilott, Fast Company 

Conservation X Labs (CXL), which Dehgan launched in 2015 with Paul Bunje, chief scientist at the XPrize Foundation, aims to apply the tech startup model to the practice of conservation. In its nearly two years of existence, the organization has hosted numerous hackathons and challenges for innovative, tech-driven solutions to species extinction and environmental degradation.  

Earth Optimism Summit will provide contrast to marchers’ angst

Elizabeth Pennisi, Science

The first Earth Optimism Summit kicks off today at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, just blocks from where the marchers will be gathering. It will feature some 240 talks on what is working in conservation, energy efficiency, innovation, and other fields. Conservation X Labs, a DC-based social enterprise, will host Make for the Planet, an intensive rapid prototyping competition during the Earth Optimism Summit.

Why we should use the tech startup model to solve environmental problems

Starre Vartan, Mother Earth Network

Enter Conservation X Labs (CXL), which conservationist Alex Dehgan launched in 2015. CXL aims to use the tech startup model to work on challenges in the difficult and complex space of environmental protection. How does it work? Much like any tech accelerator does: by bringing people together who have various skills and talents, providing a challenge, and letting them suggest — and test out — new ideas. The 2016 Blue Economy Challenge, which looked at how to create more sustainable fisheries, is a good example.

Interview with Alex Dehgan, CEO of Conservation X Labs

Inspiring Social Entrepreneurs (Podcast), Ep. 71: Feb 17, 2017

Listen to an interview with CEO of Conservation X Labs, Alex Dehgan, as he reflects on the company, its mission, and his experiences working in conservation and development around the world.

Alex also appeared on The Business of Giving in a live interview on December 11, 2017 with Denver Frederick on New York AM 970 to discuss Conservation X Labs and his work.